Part One uploaded to Amazon
It’s not the biggest step in the world, but now that it’s done there are lots of things that can follow. Earlier this afternoon I added both A Madness and Siobeth to Amazon Kindle Direct. It takes a while for them to publish through that system, but when they come up they’ll be listed on my author page. That gives me three novels on Amazon, with a fourth to follow shortly. I’d originally planned to give A Madness away for free, but Amazon’s rules currently give me the freedom to toss around freebies of the first book just five days out of its three-month enrollment period in Amazon Kindle Select. Which I’ll be doing here soon. In the meantime, I get $0.35 for every $0.99 purchase of A Madness — and if you’re a member of Amazon Prime, you can read it for free. Where I’ll make my money is off of Siobeth, which sells for $4.99. Or at least that’s the...
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