Part One uploaded to Amazon
It’s not the biggest step in the world, but now that it’s done there are lots of things that can follow. Earlier this afternoon I added both A Madness and Siobeth to Amazon Kindle Direct. It takes a while for them to publish through that system, but when they come up they’ll be listed on my author page. That gives me three novels on Amazon, with a fourth to follow shortly. I’d originally planned to give A Madness away for free, but Amazon’s rules currently give me the freedom to toss around freebies of the first book just five days out of its three-month enrollment period in Amazon Kindle Select. Which I’ll be doing here soon. In the meantime, I get $0.35 for every $0.99 purchase of A Madness — and if you’re a member of Amazon Prime, you can read it for free. Where I’ll make my money is off of Siobeth, which sells for $4.99. Or at least that’s the...
Map: Bangoon
Bangoon. A remote island in the Sea of Bhengal, roughly halfway between Gnia, the largest land mass in the Western World, and Ulash, the engine of the imperial abundance for generations. It’s the eroded peak of an ancient undersea volcano, with fertile plains for tobacco plantations on its eastern shores, and dense jungle covering the central and western portions of the island. More than 90 percent of the population lives in Bangoon City, Cabrish, and the Butra peninsula. Though originally developed by its Gheraldic conquerors as a tobacco colony, after the Korvish-Sopkan invasion of Ulash’s Patash peninsula, Bangoon became far more valuable as a naval base and trading center. Within a few years, however, Gheraldic readiness on the island deteriorated, with many of its units pulled back to less-expensive-to-provision garrisons in Bhengal. Smuggling flourished. Impressive fortifications became hollow shells. Korvish-Sopka’s invasion of the island in 1101 p.e. caught the Gheraldic garrison with its pants down, and only General Barney Alt’s 2nd Clydish Regimental Group managed to escape capture or destruction. After tricking the Korvish Sopkan invasion force into laying siege to the ruins of the jungle fortress temple known as Askla, Alt’s re-fit Clydish mercenaries broke through the enemy lines, packed themselves onto smuggling boats, and survived a dangerous crossing to the Gheraldic colony of New Bronald. After its capture by the Empire of Korvish-Sopka, Bangoon became a vital part of the expanding empire’s naval strategy. A new naval command took up residence in Bangoon City, and a ship building campaign for the planned invasion of Pasha — the remaining Gheraldic colony on central Ulash — commenced. The local economy boomed. And the price of tobacco went through the...
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